Monday, April 30, 2007

Getting Rid of Stray Hairs

Please get a magnifying mirror! Today on the set, a 50ish client who was about to go on national television, sat down in my chair to have her makeup done. She was attractive and polished and needed very little makeup but she had this long black hair growing out of her chin! I didn’t want to embarrass her but I couldn’t let her go on TV with that hair. I asked her if she used a magnifying mirror and good light to apply her makeup each morning. Her answer was obviously, “No”. I held up a mirror and showed her the hair. Much to my surprise she said, “Well just what do I do about that?”
This was her first “wild- woman hair” and she wanted to know if she should wax it, pluck it, laser it, or shave it.
Answer: If you have just a few and you have bright light AND a magnifying mirror, just pluck it. But if you can’t change your lighting and don’t plan on buying a magnifying mirror, you should march right in to have those babies lasered. It usually takes a few visits to get permanent results but you will never be caught in public with the horror of THE HAIR making you look like a fool.

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