Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Could you have rosacea?

A male sports personality was in the studio today and I noticed that his skin was much pinker than usual. I then asked him if he had skiped using his medication for his rosacea. his comment was, "What rosacea?" I am not a doctor, but having seen hundreds of people with rosacea I am pretty certain when it shows up.
Turns out, at 40 something, he had never been to a dermatologist and had no idea why his skn was so pink.
Rosacea can be controlled with medication and reduced with certain lasers. Intervention is key to slowing its progress.
He promised to get it checked out ASAP.

Going to the dermatologist is a good idea for several reasns: to get rid of skin tags, broken capillaries, whiteheads;
a skin cancer check up, and to learn about the latest in non-invasive anti-aging procedures.

I will be at my Dermatologists office: Chevy Chase Cosmetic Center, 8401 Connecticut Ave,
Oct 18th, 6:30-8 to discuss my up-coming e-book,
"The credibility Factor: The Smart Woman's Guide To Creating a More Powerful Image"
Please bring a friend and stop by with all your skin care questions.

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