Are your cosmetics safe?
How sad it is that the health of millions of women could be jeopardized because of the use of some cosmetics and body products. Check out this web site where you can find articles that raise that very important question: Are my cosmetics safe?
Logic tells me that if trans-dermal absorption is a problem for humans when it comes to products we use to clean our home, then why shouldn't we be concerned about the unregulated cosmetics that we use every day? The ingredient list doesn't say "small amounts of lead or mercury" so if you are not a chemist, how would you know? I am grateful that some companies have made a financial commitment to creating formulas that work without causing potential harm. We all know that we will not die from using cosmetics, but the exposure over time has a cumulative affect that could be making you sick.
I am wondering why the billion dollar cosmetic industry has been allowed to create potentially harmful products in the first place. We should demand that testing by independent companies be done to ensure the safety of products. We need regulation if we want this to stop.
What can you do? Take action! If sales plummet, these companies will be forced to reformulate their products.
• Stop purchasing products from companies that use known irritants or carcinogens
• Write to these companies and tell them why you are no longer using their products
• Write to the women’s magazines and tell them to stop accepting advertising from these companies, cancel your subscription or stop buying the magazine
• Call and write your congressperson and ask them to mandate funding for the FDA to do testing of cosmetic and body products.
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