Are you a shlumpadinka?
I love that word, and in case you do not watch Oprah shlumpadinka means ”frumpy.”
Yes, we all feel like we look frumpy at times but just what is it that really takes us from vibrant, cool women to an over - the - hill frump? Our hairstyle, our clothing are big contributors to the frump factor but, THE MOST IMPORTANT GIVE AWAY IS: extra weight. Extra weight not only makes us look older, but it also inhibits the way we move. We are not a light on our feet, and flexible when we are not fit. In addition, our knees and feet often hurt keeping us in a catch 22 when it comes to increasing movement. Losing those extra pounds can be tricky but ever person I know who has done an organized program such as Weight Watchers, Diet To Go or Jenny Craig, have lost weight and kept it off. Once you really commit and have support, your odds greatly improve for your success. You can do it!
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