Should you color your hair?
This is a loaded question. No one can decide for you what steps you should take when it comes to your hair color. This is a very personal choice. Some women look fabulous with salt and pepper or silver hair, while others just look older, significantly older. Yes, I know, I hear it all the time: “Most men let their hair go grey so why should we have to color our hair?”
We don’t, but since women are living longer and working longer, the marketplace has become more competitive. Unfortunately, ageism is alive and well. Speaking strictly for myself, I see haircolor as another tool in my toolbox that helps me feel young and vibrant and more attractive.
Haircolor is not for everyone, but going gray can add 5-15 years to your perceived age; and using the wrong haircolor shade can be worse than using no hair color at all. Drab, ash - tones, harsh, dark colors or bleached - out blondes are simply not flattering to older skin tones.
Getting older is inevitable. Why focus on a number? The important issue to consider when making decisions on your appearance is to think about the goal. In other words, what can hair color, specific clothing or makeup styles, do for you? Often, women’s choice to color their hair is a reaction to the fear of being seen as invisible, matronly or out-dated. Whenever I consider not coloring my hair, images of Aunt Bea still linger in my head, propelling me to run, not walk, down the closest haircolor isle.
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